(Prithee find the English version after the Japanese texts)
一週間ほど前に今回の展示写真を撮っていたカメラの一つが壊れたり、写真も自分で掛けられるかわからなかったりで、毎度展示前はドタバタしますが、RED Photo Galleryのメンバーにおんぶに抱っこで、昨晩何とか無事写真をかけ終わりました。
Perhaps, this will be my last photo exhibition–at least for a while. This is what goes on in my head in the preparatory phase (which in this case was only 5 days long,,,) every time when I hold an exhibition. This time, it was a bit more like a conviction–I hope I was/am wrong, but even if this was the case–I could continue to take photos all the same because–(please read on as there is what follows “because” in the statement below)
“Doting Parent’s Diary / Papa (Maman) gâteau”
My last exhibition “Kawanoji” was themed on couch surfers (i.e. mostly incognito strangers/travelers) who had sat, walked, and slept through my apt. It was meant to be a record of crisscross of the ordinary (my life) and the extra-ordinary (travelers’ life)―but a record that foresaw an exhibition if not a record for the sake of an exhibition.
This “Papa gâteau” is 180 degrees opposite; not a single picture has been taken for this exhibition―I took these pictures merely because I wanted to. “Ah! I’ve had a camera for this!” is how I felt when I selected these pictures last night.
With all this said, now I’m hanging these pictures on the wall―a proof of my papa gâteau-ness.