2016.02.01 - 2016.02.14

小松 透 Toru Komatsu
遠い渚 - a distant shore -

小松 透 Toru Komatsu「遠い渚 - a distant shore -_1」

小松 透 Toru Komatsu「遠い渚 - a distant shore -_2」

小松 透 Toru Komatsu「遠い渚 - a distant shore -_3」

遠い渚 - a distant shore -



I was raised in the mountains, so I yearned for the sea when I was a child. When was it that I first saw the ocean? It was either when I was taken to go swimming at Nobiru Beach, or when I went on a school trip to Matsushima (both of which are in Miyagi Prefecture). I remember thinking that, when I got older, I would live by the sea. Now of course I live somewhere were I can see neither the ocean nor the mountains, but I always think about the ocean.

Since the time of the Great East Japan earthquake of 2011, I have continued to photograph trees located in places that suffered damage from the earthquake and tsunami.
In taking these photographs, I gradually became aware of rocky crags that seemed to be like islands floating on the land. For the most part, pine trees grow on these crags, and they are landlocked, but they once had probably been surrounded by the sea. These crags are generally cordoned off by a ceremonial rope, and are treated as holy areas. An island floating on the sea, an island trapped by land, an island floating on the land... each is an interesting subject. I imagine that an island floating on the land, still hasn't forgotten the ocean that once surrounded it, even if the sea is now many miles away.

同時開催:小松透写真展 [ North Marine Drive ]
開催場所:同ビル 5F TokyoLightroom


1969 宮城県玉造郡岩出山町(現在、大崎市)生まれ
1994 多摩美術大学芸術学科卒業、 東京総合写真専門学校研究科入学
2009 夜の写真学校15期修了

HP : http://stilllife.org

2009「STILL LIFE」Place M
2010「various 2007-2010」M2 gallery
2011「nature morte -aprés311-」Shinjuku NikonSalon
2012「EVENT HORIZON」M2 gallery
2013「metro's」M2 gallery,TokyoLightroom
2014「STILL ALIVE」Place M
2014「EVENT HORIZON」Shinjuku NikonSalon
2015「nature morte」Place M

“Intercambio De Miradas” PHE11 (2011, Real Sociedad Fotográfica, Madrid)
“Four weeks of Japanese Photograpers -2nd” (2011, Gallery LUX, Seoul)
“Reflection -9 Photographes’ Eyes on Fukushima-” (2012, Yamatogawa-shuzo-ten, Kitakata City)
“Reflection -9 ver.2 Photographes’ Eyes on Fukushima-” (2013, Meijo-kan, Minamisoma City)


Toru Komatsu
Born in Miyagi, Japan in 1969. Photographer.
After graduated from Tama Art University in 1994, Entered graduate course of Tokyo College of Photography.
"Still Life" video and photographic works produced since 1992 with the theme.
Web site : http://stilllife.org

Solo Exhibisions:
"SHIZUKA NA SEIKATSU" (1995, Lieu Place at, Tokyo) "STILL LIFE" (2009, Place M, Tokyo)
"VARIOUS 2007-2010" (2010, M2 gallery, Tokyo)
"nature morte -aprés311-" (2011, NikonSalon,Shinjuku Tokyo) "EVENT HORIZON" (2012, NikonSalon,Shinjuku Tokyo) "metro's" (2013, M2 gallery,TokyoLightroom Tokyo)
"STILL ALIVE" (2013, Place M Tokyo)
"EVENT HORIZON" (2014, NikonSalon,Shinjuku Tokyo) "nature morte" (2015, Place M Tokyo)

Group Exhibisions:
“Intercambio De Miradas” PHE11 (2011, Real Sociedad Fotográfica, Madrid)
“Four weeks of Japanese Photograpers -2nd” (2011, Gallery LUX, Seoul)
“Reflection -9 Photographes’ Eyes on Fukushima-” (2012, Yamatogawa-shuzo-ten, Kitakata City) “Reflection -9 ver.2 Photographes’ Eyes on Fukushima-” (2013, Meijo-kan, Minamisoma City)